

Why do my Tuesdays feel like Mondays? Would it be alright to claim I have a case of the Tuesdays? Had a party at my house on Friday night that ended up with foamy kegs due to tap problems and then the ratio spun out of control until it turned into BroParty 2010. Got to see Rocky Horror and Designer Drugs on Saturday night... Bottomless mimosas on Sunday. This would explain how Monday felt like Sunday, hence Tuesday as Monday. I can feel summer is on its way because all the days are blending together.


End of a mind-numbing, make me want to shoot myself week. Nearly every day was spent waking up early, working out, classes with library time all day until I came home and passed out to repeat. My room was a hazard area with my board bad overflowing with clothes and what have you from my trip to Puerto Rico last week. Despite being completely exhausted, I am in a stellar mood. Figured out some life plans.. got a few great things going on currently. I have compiled a short list of things I'm stoked about:

1. Moving to FL for my last summer at home; doing surf lessons @ Surf Station thanks to MattOBear.
2. Designer Drugs next weekend.. whaaaaat
3. Planning a trip to El Salvador with Sarah (and anyone else who'd like to join)
4. Bought Jimbo America a rawhide baseball, he's psyched on it.
5. Drafting a series of children's books based on Jimbo America Jenkins.
6. Getting my yoga on a regular basis.
7. Electro everyday all day + sunshine.
8. Just created a new recipe: Banana upside down brownie cake.

Pics/ recipe of the banana brownie treat to come.

This is a great song to swing your hair around to and shake it. That's what I'll be doing tonight.


part II

"We stopped at perfect days

and got out of the car.

The wind glanced at your hair.

It was as simple as that.

I turned to say something..."